About Us

Sherry and Krista are two sisters who have a lot in common. We love books, reading, writing, crafting and creating. However, we also share a couple of common problems: we have too much STUFF in our houses, and we don't make enough time for creative projects. We're always hoping to change that.

Our goal when we started this blog was to discard (give away, throw away, or repurpose) one item every day (that's the "ditch" part), and complete one new creative project every month (that's the "stitch," being broadly interpreted to encompass any new creation) for a year. Now that year has passed, and while we still want to do those things, we want the blog to broaded its mandate.

So we've expanded that one-year project to include DIY projects, tips and hints for both creativity and decluttering, and other things we find interesting along these lines. We hope you'll find something fun, helpful or inspiring here.