08 February, 2011

This week's ditchings

Whew!  The first week of February has been busy, and Baby and I spent about half of it at Mom's.  We went so that Sherry and I could work on a project together...but more about that in another post.  Despite being away and spending time cleaning for a playgroup meeting at my house (scheduled for today, postponed due to weather...of course, since I baked in preparation!), I managed to ditch the requisite number of things.  Here goes:
* four partly-used tubes of lanolin from the early days of nursing (I haven't needed it in months, and I realized that by the time I have another baby, I'll definitely want to buy a new supply!)
* two pajama shirts that were really too old and ratty to even sleep in anymore
* a large plastic hamper (replaced with a smaller, more suitable cloth one--the plastic one will be used this summer to hold bags for vegetables at my in-laws' farm)
* some old fitness magazines and assorted papers
* some diaper creams that we found ineffective and so didn't use
* a mostly-used container of Tummy Butter from my pregnancy (this stuff was amazing!)
* some old photo albums that had lost their stickiness, so photos were falling out
* a box of nursing pads that I had found too bulky for comfort
* some outdated medications

Hurrah!  Clutter: 0  Krista: 9
(Also, I finished reading All Clear by Connie Willis--an exhausting but excellent read!)


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