06 March, 2011

Ditch Report: Cookbook Blitz

How and why do we accumulate so many cookbooks over time?  It's like we're afraid that one perfect recipe exists somewhere, and unless we're absolutely sure that it's not in this book or that magazine, we can't let it go.

Well, I'm trying.  Over the past week I've ditched from the cookbook cupboard twenty cookbooks, magazines, and recipe flyers.  I saved a few items by tearing out the pages, which I'll either plug into a recipe program on the kitchen computer, or add to an existing recipe binder.

I still have a huge stack of magazines to go through...or I may only make it through part of the stack and then just throw out the rest.  We'll have to see.  If I can just convince myself that the perfect recipe is NOT lurking in the pile somewhere...


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