07 March, 2011

Ditch & Stich Report: Late February, Early March

Sometimes I am amazed by my own ability to create caches of ditchable things--stashes and piles that I get used to and stop even really seeing, until one day I think, "Wait now, what IS that stuff?  Why did I save THAT?"  This is the danger of hanging on to things that you never or almost never use; over time, they just become part of the landscape of your house, only really noticed when they become annoying for some reason (in my case, my sock drawer would no longer close easily, my new cookbook wouldn't fit in the cookbook cupboard, and a pile of old sweaters fell off the closet shelf....).  In the last few weeks, I've gotten much more ruthless about these semi-forgotten clusters of stuff, and have been systematically sorting through them, resulting in the ditching of...

- 4 cookbooks
- 15 old Fitness magazines
- 13.5 pairs of socks (I cannot really explain this...)
- 5 sweaters

Phew!  That list will almost take me through the rest of the month! 

On the more creative side of things, I finally managed to put together a toy bunny that I had been wanting to make for baby C.  I cut the pieces out about a month ago, but they'd been sitting on an end table ever since, waiting for me to find time in my Mommy-day to sew them up and stuff them!  I at last got a chance to work on the project last week, and managed to finish it in a few hours!  I think he turned out pretty well, and he's received lots of smiles from baby.  The pattern is Funky Friends Factory's Baby-Safe Bunny Rabbit Pattern, available at the wonderful YouCanMakeThis.com.  The pattern was instructive and easy to follow, and I would definitely try other projects from the same seller.

I also spent some time sorting through the fabric in my art/sewing room, figuring out what was needed to complete certain projects, and making a rough plan to get some things finished and so create some more order and productivity in that realm of the house.  Next projects: finishing a dress for myself and making this Nap Mat from Prudent Baby.


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